Today is Edda’s actual birthday. If you’d like to make a contribution on behalf of Edda, here’s the Rett organization that we like: Rett Syndrome Research Trust. They send 97 cents of every dollar raised to a science lab somewhere in the world full of pipettes, mice, electrophoresis gels and DNA polymerase. I used to really hope for a cure for Rett Syndrome, but lately I’ve been happy just thinking I’m raising money to fund a poor gradute student’s stipend to further research about the brain. I used to be a poor science graduate student! I loved that I had a stipend so I could spend it on burritos at Baja Fresh! Not that I wouldn’t send a box of chocolates every day for the rest of my life to the graduate student who figured out how to fix Edda’s brain.
Here are some behind-the-scenes photos of the pancake breakfast: