Jeremy lost 9 pounds when he didn’t eat anything for three days. I’m happy he’s eating again. Especially ice cream.
We had our first lecture today on Adult Health. This is a photo of the review session held right after class. It took the prof the full THREE hours to go over the syllabus. I know, how is it possible to spend three hours going over a syllabus? How much work is there? Well, all of us were paying full attention for the whole three hours and constantly asking questions to clarify the confusing parts. Because we spent the whole class time on logistics, we didn’t actually get to any class content that was suppose to be presented during the first class, so after three hours, we all herded ourselves to recitation where students who took the class last term presented the actual real lecture – very quickly (we were not there another three hours, thank goodness). The first class of adult health isn’t about respiratory issues, it isn’t about cardiac issues. It’s about diabetes. The first thing to learn in adult health is to manage diabetes (!).