Thanksgiving II.

It snowed a lot the day before Thanksgiving at Bard.

It was beautiful.  Especially since we didn’t have to travel in it.

Look!  Kiki took a photo of all four of us!  Wonderful!

My most loyal blog commenter, Sheila and her husband, Scott.  And their soon-to-be-mechanical-engineer son, Josh.  They are from Texas.  There is nothing more fun than watching a bunch of Texans have a snowball fight.


I did run a 10K race Thansgiving morning in Troy, NY (about an hour north of Bard): 51:19 – just about 8:15 pace.  I negative split it which means I kept running faster as the race went on which is the most amazing feeling.  First mile at 8:30 pace, last mile at 8:00 pace and a little kick the last 0.2 miles.  Delicious!


2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving II.”

  1. These are great photos! Love the night shot. Snow in the north is very, very different than New Mexico snow. The Martin's are a really fun family. Really fun. Rena your egg roles rocked. I woke up wanting some today. Josh ate six of them!! Miss everyone. No snow here just boring old cold.

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