Fourth of July feast.


On the actual 4th, we invited Nat and Dara over for dinner.  We did grill, but instead of the traditional hamburgers and hot dogs, we made a Thai feast.  Jeremy and Vince wanted to try out the tiny camping stove to see if it would hold up to cooking the feast – it didn’t do badly, but we did have to fire up the regular grill for the bigger pieces of meat.

First up: Chicken satay with peanut sauce.

You can see the camping stove a little better in this picture.  It’s a tiny thing, all you need are a few sticks to keep it going – you can see the supply of sticks on the table next to the little grill.  Next up, beef steaks for the spicy Thai beef salad.


It was a delicious meal.  There was also duck curry which was really, really good – though Jeremy didn’t cook the duck in the curry, he got it take out from Great Wall (Kim Sam has forever closed down.  sniff. sniff) and put the already cooked duck into the curry recipe.

We did end the meal with the traditional American flag in fruit.


Katherine, we did give Nat and Dara their wedding gift and Vince managed to pull off the price tag before they saw it.  It was a beautiful choice, I didn’t get a photo of it & them though 🙁

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