Vince, Edda, Ruby and I went to the annual Rett Syndrome stroll-a-thon in Virginia today. We used to raise money for this event until we started Edda’s birthday party extravaganza a few years ago. I can ask friends to donate only once a year – so it’s Edda’s birthday and not the stroll-a-thon. We had a nice time, very low key for us. I met a few new people this year, including a girl who can TALK! Unbelievable.
Curious, I asked the mom – so what does your daughter talk about? What is she thinking about? Well, she loves to talk about her iPad, her movies and netflix. And I said, I think if Edda could talk, she would talk about those things too!
Vince is the kindest big brother, making sure his little sister gets to eat all the regular snack food I’m reluctant to feed her. Ruby is hoping for her share too.
Other people will blog about their beautiful house. I will blog about how our house is a disaster area.