I spent Saturday at Children’s Hospital for clinical orientation. I’m thankful that I get to do clinical on Saturday because I get to avoid a lot of traffic. I’m on a post-surgery floor – a good mix of GI, urology, ortho surgeries. My instructor seems great, my classmates are relaxed and fun. Hopefully, I won’t cry too much.
Today, I went running on the only plowed trail in the DC area. Even though I showed up right at sunrise today, I said hello ten million people: people running alone, people running in couples, whole groups of people training together. I think everyone who wanted to get in a run today went to the Capital Crescent Trail. I have never run with so many other runners except for in a race! Usually when I run, I say hello to 4 people max. I ran into Amy – my college marathon running friend and we ran for a few moments. She warned me about an aggressive owl that might attack you if you are a lone runner. Lucky for me, I saw no owl. My hamstring is still on the fritz. What did I do to it? Ack.
Edda and Ruby napping together. Edda is ready to go back to school. She is off her schedule. Ruby may be ready for Edda to back to school as well. Given that Edda sleeps on top of her.
Jeremy cleared the deck because he wanted to grill for Sunday night dinner.
Happy birthday Jane!
Here's info on the owl. It also has its own Twitter account!
ha ha!! 😉 I will be on the lookout for it.