Prep is underway for Edda’s pancake breakfast on Saturday. Jeremy ordered all the buttermilk from the creamery and we got all the bacon this year from Costco. Edda’s birthday always sends me spinning out a little because I get a little weepy about all the things a typical 12-year-old girl should be doing that Edda’s missing out on. I tried explaining my feelings about it to Keyla this evening – she was trying to coach me – be happy that she’s healthy! be happy that she’s happy! I know, I know. I try, believe me, I try.
We are not pulling Ruby’s tooth. I drove extra far today to a vet – highly recommended – who will do only reasonable things for reasonable prices. He was great. We’ll do the wait and see. Everyone was impressed at how well Ruby was doing. The receptionist even was like – you wrote she was born in ’01 – is that right? Yep.
Hey there Doris! We have been in Mexico city. Toasted Edda on her birthday 3/16/2016 but then thought am I a week early? Would have posted but my phone service/knowledge/interest in figuring things out with the phone, to do so wained. I hope it was a wonderful day for you and for her. I hope you got flowers for all your hard work.
Now I see Edda's bday is this Thursday! Guess we'll have to toast her again. With buttermilk. Someday we'll come and help with those pancakes.
A book I just finished and really, really liked was, "All The Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr. Won the the Pulitzer, super easy to read. I learned a bit about WWII from a civilian standpoint and is a great story. I could not put it down and I'm hard to please when it comes to holding my interest in a book.