On Sunday, we eeked out the last bit of summer. Vince went to a glow-in-the-dark mini-golf party to celebrate Calvin’s birthday. Vince, Ben and Calvin got to hang out together, which they don’t do that often. That’s Vince with the slime on his mouth.
We experimented with these multi-filling water balloons. You put the hose on the end of a straw-type-thing and then you can fill 25 water balloons at once.
Lucky for Jerry, Vince loves water balloons.
First day of school photo. Older brother giving younger sis a noogie. Thank goodness we celebrated our wedding anniversary on Saturday, because by Sunday night we were all a bit grumpy at each other. Homework (not done yet), electronic curfews (someone wants it to be later), what to by at open lunch (snacks at the 7-11)…. already! Delegation/discussion of who gets to be the “fun” parent and who gets to be the “mean” parent. All before the first day of school. And that was only Vince! For Edda, there’s coordination of new care providers and making sure she’s one the right buses with all the right stuff going to the right places.
Off he goes!
Maxi standing (well, sitting) sentry at the door for the school bus…
There’s the bus!
And finally me, it was my first day of school too. Jeremy packed me an extra special lunch. Community health this quarter – using some rudimentary Chinese, doing blood pressure screenings and seeing what’s out there.