We had a lovely brunch yesterday with Julide and Andrew and their kids. They bought a house near Needwood and redid the whole thing to be accessible. It’s fantastic to visit people to have a 100% fully accessible house – this basically never happens, even with all the special needs families I know. Edda had a particularly great time at this visit – laughing, walking well and enjoying scones. Vince and Hector spent a lot of time playing with dry ice.
You can’t be a minor to buy dry ice, so when I was checking out at the grocery store – the cashier asked if I was old enough to by dry ice in a joking, conversation making kind of way and I said that indeed I was old enough. And then he asked what I was planning on doing with the dry ice and I told him that I was promptly going to give it to a minor to do crazy crap with it. And he replied “you mean science experiments?”. ha ha ha, at least we wore safety glasses. That makes it science.
And I met Sam, the house cat. mmmm, I <3 cats.