We went out to dinner with my cousins (?) to a restaurant that my mom picked out. It has a buffet with all-you-can-eat crab. My mom was thrilled about this and ate only the crab even though there was Italian / Chinese / Japanese and french fries at the buffet. My mom knows how to enjoy herself. Maybe Vince and Edda get their happiness abilities from her? I certainly know that their joie de vivre did not come from either of us sticks-in-the-mud parents. Oddly enough, I think there is a Chinese tourist hub for visiting DC is located in Gaithersburg (the most diverse city in the US), because we’ve met up with traveling friends from Asia at hotels in Gaithersburg and there seemed to be a busload of Chinese tourists queuing up at this suburban buffet place.
Vince invited his pal Bryson to dinner with us and then they had a sleepover where they promised me they wouldn’t go to be too late. This is how I found them in the morning.
Jeremy went on a bike ride with his new bike group and found the one that had the right pace. The first week was too fast, the 2nd week was too slow. This one was Goldilocks. Though they were the least friendly of the three groups. You can’t have everything.
Then Jeremy too me out to lunch where we discussed the merits of different bike trainers.
It is cookie competition season at UCS. This round is white chocolate. Jeremy made three batches of cookies in 90 min. We invited Ruth and David over to sample to cookies. Now it’s 10:30 pm and Edda is still awake! Go to sleep Edda, we need to sleep too. xo
There would be no way I would be able to go to sleep if my house smelled like those good lookin' cookies!