Quiet day today in anticipation of tomorrow. I didn’t wrap any gifts (I’ll say it was because I didn’t want to waste any paper and not because I wanted to spend the day reading and cleaning and napping) and we did just move the pile of Amazon packages from the bottom of the staircase to the bottom of the tree. Ten days ago, we stopped opening any packages that came to the house because you couldn’t tell if it was a Christmas gift or just something we ordered that we needed and I didn’t want Vince or Jeremy to accidentally open any of their own gifts. But since I didn’t get around to wrapping anything, now (I know), there are household items that are in the pile – windshield wipers, coffee beans, drinking straws, fiber pills and who knows what else. I’m kind of excited about this gift opening tomorrow. A mystery all around, you won’t even know if the box you are opening is for you! A double surprise!
Jeremy prepping his rib roast:
Caught Vince playing air guitar to Queen:
And we went out this evening to celebrate Dad’s 75th birthday. We went to the all-you-can-eat Brazilian place where we certainly ate all that we could eat. We facetimed Donald while we were sitting at the table and shared the birthday cheesecake. Happy Birthday, Dad! You are the best.