Mid-december, science video, Portland.

How is it that it is December 12th already?  Sigh.

Here’s Vince’s group project for his biology class.  I did manage to convince him to put some words from the rubric into the video, so I’m hoping that the odds are ever in his favor.  What do I dislike about this science project?   Well, the actual science content is low.  You know, like cell cycle regulation, telomerase, apoptosis, oncogenes – there are none of these words in the project.  And the project is suppose to be a public service announcement which in my mind is marketing and video editing and not science.   But who knows?  Maybe I don’t give enough credit to marketing and outreach in science which is why I’m not running a well-funded lab with 25 graduate students on some cool thing that I can summarize in 3 sentences.


Jeremy’s off to Portland for the rest of the week.  There is suppose to be a snowstorm there, hopefully he won’t have too much travel woes.

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