Pajamas, date night, Christmas dinner.


Today was one of those days where I did a bunch of work, followed up some emails with my boss, arranged carpools, figured out some holiday hosting logistics and then when I looked up, I realized it was 1 pm and I was still in my pajamas.  Ack, I thought I was still mid-morning.  Each day (especially the quietest part) goes by so quickly.


Jeremy and I haven’t been going out on dates much in the past quarter, maybe the past two quarters. It’s been a combination of evening activities, shorter/less flexible childcare hours, and then Jeremy going biking mid-day Sat and me going out into the woods mid-day Sunday doesn’t leave a lot of time for us to be out together without the kids.  But today we managed to have dinner together and do one of our favorite dates – going grocery shopping.  We are starting to shop for Christmas dinner, Jeremy wants to make a standing rib roast and so he bought all the ones Whole Foods had tonight.


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