Nursing school, resist, quilt.


My last semester of nursing school started yesterday.  I, yet again (because of my part-time status) know no one.  OK, maybe I know one person, but I barely know that person.  It really is a problem because I have no one to go, pssss, hey – there is a quiz on the first day of class or hey – you really should sign up for the three patient simulations right now.  So I walked into class, took a quiz I had no idea was going to happen (I didn’t even have a pencil, I had to do it in pen) and when I looked at the signups for the simulations, there was conveniently only one time spot left in each of them just for me.


Jeremy and Edda during the regular night time routine.



Jeremy texted me this photo of a “RESIST” protest sign on a construction crane near his DC metro stop.



I made pork tenderloin for dinner.  Tomorrow is the end of the quarter for the kids.  No homework tonight!  We made it through.  I’m a little under the weather, I think I have a stomach bug or something.



Is there a better time to rejoin my Unitarian friends?  I haven’t made it to Sunday service in years now, but Jo (in the photo on the right) sees me in the gym during the week and suggested that I should come to the quilting bee as my spiritual practice.  At the same time as the quilting bee, the church was hosting the first of the 10 actions/100 days from the Women’s March which was to send postcards to our representatives.  It seems a bit futile since our reps are the heads of the resistance…sigh.  Let’s see what tomorrow holds.


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