Evening routine, Valentine’s day, ice cream.


Right after his report card came home, Vince asked for an extension on electronic curfew – from 9 to 9:30.  I hesitated.  This is primarily because I want my parenting duties for Vince to be over at 9 pm, because I want to shift my focus from my children back to myself.  And also because our best time as a family come between 9 and 9:30 pm, when Jeremy’s home from evening meetings, when the child care providers are out of the house, when all the homework and school work is done and we are winding down.  It’s when Vince tells us both what’s going on in his own little world – concerns about friends, various sticky school situations, and funny memes so we don’t get too far behind.



Jeremy worked from home today and we celebrated Valentine’s day with lunch out.  Adriana, who now works Tuesday nights, last week asked if she could have Valentine’s Day off and reminded us about the holiday.  (It’s her first Valentine’s Day with her beau).  I looked at Jeremy and said, oh yeah, Valentine’s Day doesn’t matter to us and gave her the night off.  And then I looked at Jeremy again and took it back and said, oh no, I meant every day is Valentine Day around here.  xoxo.



We facetimed Gong Gong and found him asleep in bed.



Max(ine) is our gender fluid dog.  Recently, she’s taken up humping her bedding.



We went to my parents’ house for dinner where they have entirely too much ice cream.



Edda’s so happy tonight!  Maybe because it’s my favorite day, Friday!


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