The visa is secured, the money is exchanged, the Imodium is packed. New wallet, new fanny pack, & new haircut. He learned how to use a credit card & debit card all around town. We watched all the orientation videos & downloaded texting apps which aren’t blocked. All I’m hoping is that someone will pick him up at the Guangzhou airport at the appointed time/location. Vince is like – what do I do at customs? I’m going through that myself, right? I have nothing to declare, right? Yeah, sweetie, you have nothing to declare. He seems mostly excited and not nervous. Kelly, his violin teacher, told him not to follow any strangers and I’m like, he’s gotta follow some strangers or else he’ll be stuck in the middle of a Chinese airport. Then Vince suggested an amendment – I’ll only follow strangers if they happen to have the right T-shirt. Go on your adventure-y adventure Vincie, but come back to me soon.
Be safe Vince. You are loved!