The boys are gone this weekend on a cabin campout. Vince seems excited about it, Jeremy is less so. It’s going to be rainy and cold so I’m not sure what is going to go on at the campout beyond epic long games of Magic and Cards Against Humanity and Jeremy wishing that he was at home. At least there will be cooking. I think Jeremy and Vince are in charge, so there will be actual cooking instead of instant noodles. Jeremy even packed our toaster oven.
I asked for a subscription to the New Yorker for Christmas. I know, a pretentious gift, but I’m having trouble these days reading things longer than a tweet/meme/youtube video. Novels seem to be incredibly insurmountable. I’m trying to bridge the two by going to long form essays.
I am still struggling with my nursing side gig. I’m on the other side of working 4 out of the last 6 days. Not terrible, but still not great. By the last day, in the late afternoon, I could tell I was losing control of my composure. I basically went around the unit at 5pm and made all of my coworkers give me a hug.