Vince and I went orienteering today. It was cold, but it was a good running day – temps in the low 30s. Vince ran the intermediate course (Orange) and I ran the course I should run for my age which is the 2nd longest advanced course (Green). Vince and I both covered about 5 miles. I tried to not get my feet wet. When it’s warm, I don’t mind splashing through streams, but in the winter, I don’t want to be cold/wet for so long. I’m not in terrific running shape (nor am I in good navigation shape – one needs practice and I’m not practicing weekly), but it’s really nice to be outside exerting oneself in the woods. I really would love to be out in the woods at least once a week, it reminds me that I am a living, breathing being and need time away from the built and connected world. When I pick up a little speed in the woods, it feels good – grateful that my body works well enough to weave through the trees with the leaves crunching under my feet. Unlike running on the roads, I’m always compensating for uneven footing balancing and rebalancing with each step. With the nursing gig, I tried for a while (maybe 6 weeks?) to keep up my routine of running workouts (1 long run a week and 1 speed workout), but I just couldn’t sustain it. Being in good running shape makes the woods running exhilarating. It’s even better when I’m in good navigation shape too. The hospital gig is physically and mentally draining, that I feel like I can’t spare the extra energy to running hard on my off days which I miss. I’m still running most days I’m not at the hospital, but I’m trying to figure out how to get the workouts back. Will I be too physically overextended? I think I could do it if I could sleep 9 hours a night. I’d have to go to bed at 8:45 every night – which is basically impossible – I’d be the first person asleep in the house. As for Vince, he missed a control, but he didn’t give up, he completed his course – a good thing. He even said that he kind of enjoyed it.
The orienteering was near my parents’ house, so we stopped by for a quick minute to visit them. Dad was in the basement building it out. Mom was napping. We invited them to Sunday night dinner.
Sunday night dinner with the family. Joan passed away early Friday morning. I hadn’t talked to Christine & family since we visited on Thursday morning, so we all caught up and gave hugs all around. We lit candles for the last night of Hanukkah and we sang happy birthday to Eric.
This week is going to be challenging, my shifts are close together so I’m going to be tired, but I have 4 days off in a row soon, so I’ll keep that on my mind until I see you on the other side.
I’m sorry about Joan. All I can say I guess. But do know everyone is in my thoughts.