

The taxes are mostly done.  Somehow I have a snafu and can’t e-file, so I have to mail them out.  But they are done and we owe, but I knew we would owe so that isn’t a surprise.  It occurred to me the other day that in a year, if Jeremy and I both died together, we could give our whole estate (estate sounds weird – as if we owned a castle.  I mean, my home is my castle, but I mean a castle with hounds and horses) to Vince.  Of course, the whole thing is complicated with Edda and her care, but putting that aside, I mentioned it to Vince.  He was first like – if you guys died, who would I live with?  I said – well, if it happened next year, you would live on his own because you’d be your own person.  Then he said (eyes widening a bit), oh yeah, I’d be my own adult.  Then he said wow, I’d live in the house?  It’d be pretty big for just me.  I said that he could probably rent or sell the house and then live in an apartment/dorm near college.  But then we talked about how that might be a bit much to handle as a college junior, especially if Edda needed care coordination.  Even though it would be a lot to handle as a 20 year old, I think Vince could do it.  It wouldn’t be the best thing ever (as we’d be dead), but I think he has a good head on his shoulders.  Edda is a whole ‘nuther story. 

One thought on “Update.”

  1. Well there look at all you've accomplished! You went from white caca and plumbing problems to getting the taxes done. Great job Doris. It is so reassuring that you worry about the opioid epidemic and your patients. When Josh had his wisdom teeth out they gave him so many to go home with and he did not need them! That is troubling to me. What if I hadn't been around to guide him? He probably would have just stuck to the Tylenol but still…….

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