Sorry, I have been remiss in updating. Lots of things going on, blogging got dropped. Last week was the last week of school and Jeremy was out of town, blah, blah, blah. The regular stuff.
I did go to my reunion. It was both exhilarating and disappointing. I do have very fond memories of going to college there, but I do have complicated feelings about who I was back then and who I am now and I think it, unfortunately, overwhelmed me in my typical weird ways where I retreat socially and my various attempts to join in on class activities were thwarted in odd ways. I managed to sit down at a table full of finance people who were all very nice, but there is only so many conversations I can make about Bitcoin. Is it weird to feel out of place and feel like you totally belong at the same time?
It was a beautiful weekend in Boston and I loved showing Vince all my special places. He was a good sport trekking across campus on a Saturday morning and I was pointing out some meaningful place and he smiled and then I was like – isn’t this cool? And then he said – honestly mom, it’s just a building.

Then Vince took me on his own tour of Boston. We went to the Magic gaming store where it seemed like 100 boys were in the basement on Saturday morning starting a tournament.

And we celebrated Pride! The final note on Boston – Vince made it to Boston on his own from the house. I left early in the morning and he left later in the afternoon. He walked from the house to the Metro, then took the Metro to the BWI bus at Shady Grove. Got on the bus to BWI and then checked in, boarded the plane and then got to BOS. Took the silver line to the red line to Kendell Square and finally walked to the student center where I met up with him late in the evening.

Meanwhile on the left coast, Jeremy went early for a work trip and got his bike to travel with him. He saw some pals and did a planning week for work. I have no idea really what order these photos go in, but here they are.

Vince and I came back on Sunday to prep for the last week of school. Jeremy was still on the West Coast.

Vince had a big week. Now that I’m working less, I’m trying to fit all the appointments in that I can. Vince got new glasses to help him read distance. He took his driving test (he didn’t pass). And then he had his hair dyed by Ella with Sam watching on.

Wow ya’ll have been BUSY!! I never go to my reunions girl. Everyone is much skinnier and more accomplished than me so I figure why bother. You on the other hand are supper accomplished and lived and done some cool ass caca. Vince, you need to condition that hair. I can tell from the pix. Don’t want it to fry and break off……
Doris! I looked for you at that reunion and never saw you. If I had been organized enough, I would have reached out beforehand so we could meet up. Oh well. Maybe in 5 years.
Hey! I was an introvert at the reunion. I feel badly about that, I should have reached out earlier as well. I hope you and the family are doing well. If you find yourself in DC, it would be nice to see each other. xoxo