Today is Max’s (fake & totally made up) birthday. She is 9! I guess I can’t consider her the new dog anymore. I picked up Vince from the airport at midnight-ish and we made it home by 1:30 am. I have not been up that late on purpose for a very, very long time. Vince was tired, but full of stories and excitement. I went to bed as soon as I came home because at 6am the next morning, Jeremy and Vince woke up to 1) drop Vince off at his regular troop’s summer camp and 2) drive to Bard to help Bob and Katherine pack.

They got to packing straight-away. Emy was there to help out. Dishes were boxed, tape guns were purchased.

So Vince and Jeremy are both out of the house this week. I’m manning the fort with Edda and Ning (& baby Noah) and Eliana this week. Edda starts camp JCC and with it, the morning and afternoon pickup runs & packed lunches and wet swimsuits and swim diapers. I did the morning drop off with Ning & baby Noah and then afternoon pickup with Eliana – so everyone should be ready to go tomorrow on their own. I did meet her lovely counselor, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she’ll stay the summer.

I thanked Barry (the adult leader of the troop from Atlanta) profusely for letting Vince come on the trip to Northern Tier. It’s not easy planning this big outing and it makes it even harder when you are trying to tie in another scout who you don’t know and from a totally different part of the county. I see how much work Jeremy is putting in for their own trip to Philmont, it’s no easy task. And it can be hard for teenage boys to mix and make friends on trips like these when many of the boys had their dads in attendance. Vince had a great time, he says he wants to work at one of the high adventure camps – the staff person who canoed with them the whole time said that Northern Tier was the best one to work at, the staff was most like a family there and that there is no question to work there in the subsequent summers. We’ll see. There are many plans.