Philmont & UTIs.

The boys are off to Philmont. Started at 4am on Thursday morning when Jeremy’s alarm went off. It wasn’t necessary, he hadn’t slept at all that night. We did some last minute things (I think which only meant that Jeremy made himself a cup of coffee) and then loaded Vince up in the van and drove the 0.75 miles to the church – the meet up place. I did not bother to put on real clothes, I showed up in my pajamas.

Boys all in a row.

Of course, there was last minute drama. Medical forms that were handed in at the very last, last minute, someone had to run home to get something (30 min roundtrip), someone urging the carpools to leave right this minute (5:30am for an 8:50 flight) because you’ll hit traffic, people asking – hey remember to put in the frequent flyer number for the flight. But it was fine, everyone got into cars and headed off to the airport. I was there just in case, but it turns out there was no just in case, so I headed back home and tried to go back to sleep, but that was futile.

Jeremy with the boys at the airport.
Seated together.

The flight was fine, the rental vans were fine. Jeremy was nervous because he had tried to save money on the two days of lodging in ABQ (for altitude adjustment) and booked cabins which he had regretted last week because he thought there was no air conditioning, but it turned out there was air conditioning and a pool and the cabins were a nice place to hang out.


When I spoke to Jeremy this morning, he said he slept well and is much more relaxed. The plan is going well, the kids are having fun and getting along. He took a walk early this morning before the boys woke up.


The afternoon found them going up a mountain to 10,000 ft elevation taking the Sandia Peak Tramway.

Dinner at the Owl Cafe.

Grownups in charge.

After I dropped off the boys on Thursday morning and tried to go back to sleep, I ended up going back to the hospital to celebrate our unit’s 1-year-free of CLABSI (central line associated bloodstream infection) and CAUTI (catheter associated urinary tract infections). These are some of my silly and wonderful coworkers – there was a STAT team called the same time at the breakfast, so turnout was a little low, but I think they brought the food back upstairs.

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