Yours in scouting.

Nothing makes one feel old like trying to explain to your son how exactly you managed, in the past, to drive to new and unfamiliar places without using Google maps. Today Vince took the car to Rockville Town Square and to the Giant. I had to then explain to him about parking validation and the bonus card use at the grocery store and to not forget the recyclable bags.

Jeremy is not sleeping well, it’s T minus one week until they leave for New Mexico for Philmont. He got up at 3 am flustered about the things that needed to get done. He started writing emails to parents, but decided it was too creepy to have an email sent at 3:30 am and so he scheduled to send them out at 8 am. Problems are cropping up and he’s hitting them down like those pesky moles in the whack-a-mole machine. Problems like 1) a previously undisclosed peanut allergy which means not only epi pens and benadryl, but also needing to replace all the hiking food that the camp usually provides for this kid because what else is eaten on the trail besides peanuts and peanut butter? 2) his own medical form which involves getting his own physical (whoops, he was busy collecting everyone else’s and forgot his own) and 3) a balance of $5,000 or so of fees.

Jeremy, reluctantly, in his scouting uniform. This is the first time I’ve seen him wear it.

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