Doggedly, Camp JCC, the fair.

I was nice to racist patient the other day. When I took over at 7am from the night shift nurse, he was already yelling spent the night yelling at phlebotomists, nursing techs, food service people. Demanding that we change his name on the whiteboard to Hitler. It was not good. Some staff end up engulfed into the drama of the whole thing and yell or scold in return. I understand their reaction. But I never like that tactic. I always want to diffuse the energy – at all costs to lower the drama level instead of feeding into it because it just makes my job easier and who needs extra drama? So I’m nice. Like doggedly nice. Warm blankets? Water, no ice? Gah. But it didn’t prevent him from eloping from the unit and therefore making me and two techs roam the hospital for 20 minutes looking for him.

The summer passed in a flash for Edda. Seven weeks at Camp JCC – swimming, trips, music, and the dreaded art. I didn’t meet her 1-on-1 counselor until the last day because I did none of the drop offs or pickups and Suary didn’t get assigned to Edda until the 2nd week. It was a pleasure to meet her and hear that they had a great summer together.

Suary, Edda & me.

Vince started running the parking at the fair, so he’s out of the house from about 7:30 am until 10:30 pm. The action really started Thursday night with a walk through for the first year scouts and their parents. I had had a list of non-fair things to do for him on Thursday, but he woke up on that morning, came downstairs and gave me a hug and said that he was nervous to be running the whole thing. I hadn’t even thought about that, so I didn’t mention the college related things I wanted him to do before he showed up at the fair on Thursday night. It’s been beautiful weather, crowds are showing up. The scouts are directing the traffic. We are trying to be there at least part of the day on most days working our shifts.

Looking at the lay of the land.
Manning the board.

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