
Lovely thanksgiving. We did have about 40-45 people to the house (we’ve done this for many years now – hosting both the Martin side and the Lee side). When I tell people, oh, we are having 45 for dinner, they start freaking out on our behalf. As we were falling asleep the night before, I asked Jeremy if he was nervous hosting Thanksgiving and he said absolutely not. I asked why and he said that he was confident that he could meet everyone’s expectations. I feel like my photography skills are atrophying. As everyone gets better and better at taking amazing photos on their iPhones, I just get photos like this:

My mom is doing well, her BP is much better controlled at home and she was in fine form making her traditional egg roll appetizer for everyone.

The kids table. They aren’t really kids anymore.

Maxi, who at 9.5 years old, has been deemed mellow enough to join in during the party. This might have been her first thanksgiving. Maxi likes to jump on people and sniff their crotch (no good) and the Chinese people tend to be scared of dogs.

We had our first doggie guest. The Chinese kids were actually quite enamored by this little doggie.

The kids played some phone based computer games.

The buffet line:

The turkey was fabulous. Jeremy’s sous vide technique ended up making the breast meat so tender and juicy.

Edda napped during the party.

We finished the puzzle.

And today’s turkey sandwich. My pants are too tight.

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