Catherine is a junior at Wootton who has been leading the Best Buddies program. She hosts activities throughout the year to help the special needs kids at Wootton become more involved with the school at large. When I went to Wootton, there was a special needs program, but I knew almost none of the kids in it. Catherine encouraged Edda to go to homecoming and Edda is signed up to play basketball next week (will she like basketball? I think she’ll take after her father and not enjoy anything that involves a ball). I got a text from Edda’s teacher early in the week that said that Catherine was going to testify in front of the county council to ask that MCPS schools be fully ADA accessible and would Edda be able to make the testimony. So after some logistical rescheduling, we went and Catherine was fantastic. She got the biggest applause of the night. As we were walking home, Jeremy quipped that she did better than a lot of the other advocacy professionals that went before and after her. Edda was pleased to go, she laughed the whole time we were in the rain walking/rolling from the parking lot to the building and into the meeting room. You can see her testimony at th 27:00 minute mark. So impressed. Kids these days!
Vince went to callbacks yesterday afternoon for the spring play. It was two hours of reading parts with other partners trying out combinations and recombinations of people and situations. He came home exhausted but semi-optimistic. Obviously, there are the drama kids who have been trying out and performing for years, and the cast is very small. He says that he more than held his own for someone who started three days ago. He did not get a part, so a bit disappointed last night.