We celebrated Vince’s 18th birthday this weekend (his birthday was yesterday – Monday). First a dinner out on Saturday night with his friends and us and my parents at Founding Farmers. I sat closest to the boys so I asked about their jobs, their driving skills and school. My father asked them where their girlfriends were.

Sunday, we had birthday dinner with the extended Martin family. Vince made his own dinner, coq au vin. I watched him pour a whole bottle of wine into the dish and then he said – that’s a lot of wine and then I said – well it’s in the name! It was delicious! Vince knows how to cook.

On his actual birthday, I was working at the hospital and it was a Very Bad news day and Vince is actually not feeling very well – not COVID – no fever, but swollen lymph nodes, achy joints and feeling out of sorts. So when I came home, I wanted to celebrate by helping him register to vote, but he turned me down politely saying he wasn’t in the mood and then today, he stayed home from school. It was a pretty terrible day to turn into an adult.

Jeremy is working from home now everyday which is a plus for him and a minus for me. I like Jeremy a lot, but I also like my alone time in the house a lot. I think if this lasts a long time, we’ll have to negotiate a new home working routine. Right now we both barge into each other’s work space to chit chat. It’s ruining the rhythm of the day. Jeremy was going to cancel his trip to MN next week, but it would have meant hours and hours of lost work trying to set up face-to-face meetings with various people. So it’s still on. Vince was suppose to go with him to UMinn and then onto Toronto, but we’ll have to see how much better Vince will feel by then. Vince is more concerned about his 18th birthday party which is suppose to be held on Friday night, we are seriously thinking of cancelling it. Vince said – I have so many fun things planned! And I said if schools are closed or you are not completely well, we are going to have to cancel.
I was at the hospital on Monday, it was a totally normal shift other than the insane COVID discussions going around. I have a shift tomorrow which I think will be normal and then I’m off for about 10 days and I think that shift when I return will be different. How different and in what way, I’m not sure. We were also told that if the schools close and you have little kids, saying that you don’t have childcare is not an excused absence. You are expected to show up to work.
18 Wow! Where has the time gone? He was just a little kid climbing on the firetruck at Zilker park just a few years ago. All of you stay well.