Edda and I Google Duo’ed her teacher yesterday and met all of her cats. This, I believe, is Flower. One wouldn’t name a cat Flour, right? I didn’t clarify the spelling. We got an email from MCPS that starting on the 30th, there would be instruction starting up for everyone. I’m not sure how a huge, vast public school system will do this, but it’s going to happen. I’ve heard a bunch of smaller, private or charter schools have been able to just purchase laptops/hot spots for the students that needed them, but MCPS needs to take care of so many kids and even special ed kids like Edda. Honestly, I’m not that worried about either of my kids missing out on educational learning or anything. I just wish they could hang out with their friends.
We Zoom’ed family dinner last night. I think this took only 20 minutes of trying to get Gene and Bette to connect well. I’m not quite sure what is going on at Rivendale, but the internet connection seems way crappy. Anyways, after 20 minutes, we settled down into chatting.
My toe is better all the time, but I got freaked out on Sunday morning at 5:30 am (I was supposed to work on Sunday) and I got up and called the night charge and made sure I wasn’t scheduled on that day. And I wasn’t. I asked how the unit was – he said it was quiet, low census and the patient population was no different than usual. Everyone I’ve told this to was like – the quiet before the storm. I have to decide how much news I’m going to consume. It’s really not helpful for me to be constantly updated on how the hospitals are going to be inundated with COVID patients and there isn’t going to be any PPE. Though I laughed at this joke on Instagram. JHACO is the accreditation organization for hospitals and the pop in and do checks to make sure you are following protocol and yes, I’d been warned to not put scotch tape on the walls only about a month ago.
Jeremy went grocery shopping this morning. An adventure in itself. And now we start the workweek.
The same here. Tho Josh is home and that is really nice. He’s looking for jobs with so much time on his hands but no one is probably hiring.
Scott’s says “socks as face masks that is silly. They work much better as gloves”