Vincie is weepy this week. Feeling bad and in a funk. I try to gently offer grown-up suggestions that I know he will ignore and that I would have ignored from my own parents. Such suggestions like getting back on a regular 24 hour sleep-wake cycle. Going outside for a walk everyday even if you don’t feel like it. Figure out something to work on or a goal to focus on. He kind of looks at me like I’m crazy. We all cycle in/out of moods in the house…
We are still struggling with finding the right person to look at Edda’s teeth. We have many leads, but no one wants to have a look and actually help us. One person doesn’t do emergent issues, first appointment is in late Sept. Other people don’t have hospital privileges. Other people don’t have a multidisciplinary team to help us (dental / oral / endo / ortho / maxillofacial / hospital) . I had to give Jeremy some of the follow up tasks, because I just couldn’t bring myself to check them off my list because I felt so bad. Jeremy did the calling and the emailing and I entered the weekend feeling less terrible than I did during the week and feeling like we did what we could to move forward for Edda during the week. Our pediatric dentist (bless her heart) is also working her leads trying to find the right place for us. But medical stuff is slow these days. Edda, for her part, is still eating mostly well. And in good-ish spirits. She’s still having seizures (2x this week upon waking) at we are at 75% of full-dose of the Keppra. I have a sinking feeling that we are not going to get good control of this. Maybe the seizures are milder than they would have been? Hard to say. I can see her personality dulling, but I knew that was the tradeoff. But she still laughs many times during the day.

Jeremy’s work is stressful in ways that are both obvious to anyone that has been paying any attention to workplace turmoil and also un-speak-about-able. I got free antibody testing at my work on Friday. Results were available in 3 hours! I was impressed about the turn around, I guess they are doing it in house – I wasn’t expecting that they would have that capacity. I’m negative for antibodies – which is a bummer I guess since it would have been nice to have had it and still be alive. My friend was like – I guess that PPE stuff works! I calculated I’ve taken care of about 50 COVID patients, many who were coughing. So I guess that’s good. Next up for antibody testing is Vincent who was actually sick the entire week of March 9th. He’s getting tested next Wed. UCDavis sent out an email saying they would have singles and doubles in the dorms. I want to know before we decide on the dorms – though I think we’ll put him down for a single no matter what. He’s so far from home, I want him to be able to quarantine on his own if he needs to at a moment’s notice.
My parents sent over dinner on Thursday night – including a chicken treat for Maxi.

Sorry for Vince. It is up and down in our house as well. Antibody testing? We had to get COVID test due to exposure and our doc said the antibody were crap, only about 50% accurate. Can you give more info? I’d love to get one and donate plasma as here in Texas it is a shit show as y’all probably heard……