We are back in Rockville. We got back yesterday afternoon – Sept 30th. The same day that Vince started his first day of classes. Ever since we left Davis, I’ve been having some upper back pain that can be excruciating at certain times and most other times, it’s just a low level ache which tires me out. (I still moved two mattresses and old office chairs to the dump myself today despite my back. Maybe I’ll regret that later. It doesn’t hurt to lift mattresses and hurl them over a small wall into the vast dumpster below, but it hurts a million billion a lot when I try to tuck a phone between my ear and shoulder so I can talk to a friend while making a sandwich or when I go from lying flat on the bed to lying on my side at 3 am.) I tried to get appointments at PT or a chiropractor or a massage place, but then I realized that all the screening questions for COVID ask if I’d traveled within the last 2 weeks. Since the only thing I’ve done is travel in the last 2 weeks, I’m getting a COVID test tomorrow. In order to get the COVID test, I needed to make up a symptom (which includes muscle aches) in order to get the test – they still aren’t doing symptomless testing at the CVS even though the doctor wants a test for me to go into their office. Anyways, I’m still hoping my back clears up in the next couple of days without doing anything and that I’m COVID neg. I want the back and the COVID test to be back to baseline by the time of my next shift – Thursday.
After Yellowstone, we spent two nights in Jackson, Wyoming. Vince called it Ocean City, but for skiing. Jeremy went biking.

Vince and I went thrifting.

Edda went hiking in the Tetons. (about 0.25 miles from the parking lot to the overlook)

We loved the washing machine in the room. We used it many times.

We left Jackson, WY headed to Reno, NV. Ate at a school bus burrito stand on the way.

In Reno, we had this beautiful accessible shower. I was planning on showering Edda every other day, but we were pretty lucky with accessible showers and got to shower her more than that.

In Reno, Jeremy rode up the Geiger Summit – a favorite training spot of Greg Lemond when he was a teenager.

After Reno, we made it to Davis on Sunday the 20th in time for lunch at the famous In-N-Out where we declared our coast to coast trip complete.

We checked into the hotel and Vince went for a bike ride around campus.

These cows are across the street from Vince’s dorm.

Move in day was Tuesday. On Monday, we went to Fry’s to buy a monitor.

We shipped some stuff via Amazon to the Amazon depot on campus and checked that out.

We moved Vince into his dorm on Tuesday.

He put the BLM sign up in his window.

We said goodbye on Wed. In front of the cows.

And then we headed back to the east coast without Vince.
Hey there, I hope the back is okay! Maybe see a regular doctor. I mean you do work at a hospital girl!