I’m excited to get the vaccine. It looks like sometime in the week of 12/13, our hospital is getting its first shipment of 975 doses. The 975 doses is just because of the packaging, it comes in (refrigerated?) units of 975. I think the whole hospital is considered “first wave”, so even if you work in accounting, you are part of the first wave. I’m not sure the 975 will reach me because they have to cover all the staff in the ICUs, EDs and the acute floors which have COVID patients. This is not only the bedside nurses and doctors, but it’s also the respiratory therapists, PT/OT, housekeeping, phlebotomists, transport, dietary, social workers, case managers, etc. They are not making it mandatory for employment, but the CEO said that when it was his designated turn that he was getting it (he’s in the first wave, so my place in line is behind the ICU nurse, but ahead of the CEO, lol…) and his whole family was getting the shot when it’s their turn. We kind of figured it out…Jeremy will be one of the last ones vaccinated and Edda is in between me and Jeremy because of her underlying conditions. I had a good shift on Sunday.
Meanwhile, back at home…. Edda had a virtual cookie decorating party. Which meant that 2 hours before the zoom meeting, I was still debating whether or not to bake the cookies or keep working (they offered if you didn’t have cookies, you could color in a picture of a cookie). The high school student organizer is the nicest person ever. Like literally the nicest person ever. So I’m always, 17,000x up for supporting her efforts. So I abandoned my desk work and I looked up no-chill sugar cookies. Which turned out delicious. I had just finished the last of the sweet potato pie from thanksgiving that morning and was eager to have a treat-free house for at least 2 weeks, but it was not to be. I made another 30 cookies.

Jeremy outdid himself in the garage. The storage shelf is done! We’ve created a workspace that we no longer have to drag the lawn mower or the trash cans through.

Meanwhile, I’m still reupholstering.