Fauci tells us we can go maskless! Thank goodness! Is this the end of pandemic? Maybe. Maryland is opening up on Saturday. I invited Sofi over and we pulled out the half-finished puzzle from March 2020 and restarted puzzling.

She taught me to play mancala today.

A few days ago, we switched shoes for our walk. She in my Oofos (middle aged footwear) and me in her crocs (elementary school footwear).

We are starting to spot the cicadas. Jojo will eat them. Maxi ignores them.

There is no gas up and down the eastern seaboard. Jeremy is going to go on a 200 mile trip tomorrow. We tried to move gas from the van to the sedan. It didn’t quite work. I think he has 240 miles worth of gas. Hopefully he will make it home. If he doesn’t, he’ll have his bike and he can bike home.