A nice, social weekend. We had dinner at my parents on Saturday night. My father looks particularly grumpy in this photo, but don’t let it fool you, my parents were in fine, jolly form. The food was delicious and if you look carefully, you’ll see Vince on facetime hanging out too. He’s still hanging out in school, a few more weeks which is surprising to East Coasters.

We are starting to be able to meet the pandemic pets. We had Sunday night dinner at Eric and Colleen’s. This is Luna (or Tuna) and Sarah.

This is Jane holding Phoebe (or Peepers) in her sweater and Tuna on her lap. When her parents said – it’s time to go. Jane said that she was very busy holding the doggies and couldn’t go home. Peepers, for some reason, does not like Jeremy very much.
I’m not used to adding in travel time between appointments now! I’m used to scheduling no time between zoom commitments. But now I have to had the travel time. Gas is still not regularly available in my neighborhood. The extra socializing is fun, but we are all out of practice.

HAHAH your words about Jeremy getting out of the house reminds of when my grandparents moved back to the country after my grandfather retired. He was hanging around the kitchen I guess a little too much and my very sweet, never say anything mean to anyone grandmother turned to him one day and you need to find something to do. So he went out and bought a bunch of cows and a horse and became a cattleman! You are among many women who have been wondering the same thing such as me who kept asking Scotty “Since we are all vaccinated when can you go back into the office?”:)