Ivy, Billy Goat.

Emy came by mid-week to stay a few nights and to bring Ivy to us on her way to the southwest to see her partner, Seth. Ivy is my new diabetic patient. I lobbied for this cat-sitting job because 1) I love cats and generally haven’t had a cat in the house because various people who visit often are allergic to cats, 2) I love Emy, 3) I owe Emy an enormous cat favor since she took care of Yeager, my college cat, when I moved to Taiwan with Jeremy and Vince and then Yeager, unfortunately, got really sick and passed away under her care which was 1000x more than I thought would happen with the cat and I’m forever grateful and ashamed that I put her through such cat-sitting trauma 18 years ago and 4) I take care of diabetic patients all the time. With Jeremy away, 2 funerals and the kids starting camp, I just could not handle Maxi (the dog) meeting Ivy (the cat) and dealing with cross species rivalry, I asked my parents to home Maxi for a little while, at least until Jeremy got home, before I took on that. Honestly Maxi is like – what? eat meatballs everyday that my human grandmother will cook for me and lounge around on a couch or stay at home with a stressed-out human mom and a hissing cat? I’ll take the meatballs.

Ivy’s very own glucometer. I’m semi-tempted to test my own blood.

It was a stunningly beautiful day on Wed and we had an afternoon free and honestly, I couldn’t concentrate very well, so we went to the Billy Goat trail to walk it out which is a great trail, probably one of the most popular trails in the area and spent 4 hours scrambling over rocks.

It felt great to move and share the afternoon with Emy. I’m happy we did this mid-week because on the summer weekends it can be quite crowded, but we had the trail mostly to ourselves. This is a photo of Emy climbing up the “traverse”. Aptly named the “Billy Goat Trail”, we spent a lot of time climbing up and around lots of rocks.

One thought on “Ivy, Billy Goat.”

  1. Whoa! That trail looks intense. Good job Emy. And good job Doris for even attempting to take care of a diabetic cat! I would have never the nerve.

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