OK, my first road race in forever. Beautiful day! I made my way downtown via the metro.

It’s a 10 mile race, a long way to run. Here are the splits:

I ran with the 1:40 pace group for about 7 miles. The only other Doris in the entire field was also in that pace group. Our pacer was pacing a bit too fast for 1:40 – so if 1:40 was your stretch goal, then the pace group was going too hard for you. I like to negative split races meaning that you run the second half faster than the first half and I really want it to be a progressive run meaning each mile should be faster than the mile before. When you negative split a race, you are almost certainly passing everyone in the last miles which is a great motivator to keep going.

And then Sofi came over with Jojo. I tried to take a nap while they were here, but Jojo parked herself on my lap and then proceeded to attack me with doggie kisses. It was not very restful, but it was very funny.

Congrats Doris. Just doing the run itself is a wonderful accomplishment.