We are long-term dog sitting Scarlett again. I was so-so about Scarlett. I think she’s a bit bland, but Vince loves this dog. They will spend a lot of time on the floor together, playing. Also, Scarlett is the only dog who has ever consistently kept Edda company. Yesterday, she licked Edda’s hands and then crawled up onto her lap to try and lick her face. Then she’ll find a spot by Edda’s feet to lay down and settle into a nap and Edda purposefully will stick out her feet and start rubbing Scarlett’s back. So this dog is growing on me. If you are in with my children, you are in with me.

Omicron came upon us so quickly, I’m grateful we were able to have a relatively normal Thanksgiving. The timing of my parent’s fancy dinner felt, in retrospect, fortuitous and that we squeaked that in under the wire. Last night, at our white elephant Christmas dinner/gift exchange with the DC Martins, we found out that Sarah had had a close contact last Thursday. Of course, she’s testing all the time, negative, but we reinstated mask wearing and eating in different areas with our own pods. Sarah didn’t eat and feels fine. I wish I had more rapid tests. I have only two and they are sold out everywhere now. We decided to keep Edda home from school and aftercare this week before our trip – we are trying to go to New Mexico by plane, bringing 4-5 households together from the eastern seaboard and Sweden. We were also suppose to do dinner with my parents and uncle from Texas before we leave, but that is unsure now as well. I’m doing one more shift at the hospital tomorrow before the trip and I’m getting texts from other nurses about patients testing positive from our non-covid unit in the past week. I might have to reinstate my face shield. Argh.