We celebrated Sofi’s 11th birthday yesterday on the 7th. Jeremy cooked everything, including the requested carrot cake (we were going to buy the Whole Foods cake, but they stopped making carrot!) and the chicken pot pie. I did the lettering on the cake which I was very pleased with after following a youtube suggestion to score out the letters on the frosting with a toothpick first to help with the spacing. Clever!

I my decluttering journey, I had found this tablecloth in our linens that I had forgotten about and I marveled at its handmade beauty. I pulled it out for this occasion. It was made by Jeremy’s paternal great grandmother, probably in the early 1900s. So maybe 100 years old?

Jeremy on a work call and making pot pie filling.

Look! A party. I kind of can’t believe it. Edda and Scarlett are in on the sneaky photo lol.

Happy birthday Sofie!