It’s Sunday and I’m not running long. Lol. I’m honestly surprised and relieved that this part-time thing at work is soothing my mind. Part time at the office is actually pretty restrictive. When I work full time, I can work anytime I want to and I usually do put in some hours almost every day, weekends included. When I work part time, I can only work the hours I say I’m going to work, so I put no hours on the weekends and, so therefore, I’m not working. It’s a weird feeling. Not working or not thinking about work. The marathon is done, I recovered nicely from it I was sore until about Thursday and now I feel fine. This past weekend has been filled with *nothing* on my to-do list (this is not entirely true, but it feels true). I took a long walk in the woods with Elka about 45 minutes away from the house. It’s been so warm this weekend – in the 70s, I’ve been enjoying the outdoors.

I went to work at the hospital on Friday for the first time since September (!) and in the middle of my shift, I was like – I’m ready to let this go, I’m done with this absolute nonsense (I had been yelled at by a family member for things I had nothing to do that had gone on hours ago before I showed up to my shift and I soothed her kindly with my most soothing-est voice…., I’m so sorry this happened (I was!), I can understand your frustration (I could!), I’m expediting what you desire (fast, fast, fast, etc.), etc, etc.). I can totally not do this anymore. But then by the end of the shift, I’d given hugs to a bunch of coworkers who had recently lost close family members, talked a coworker about possibly renting our downstairs apartment, talked to another coworker about the pros/cons of Children’s Hospital vs CHOP for healthcare for our kiddos, stood arm in arm with another coworker pondering how to give psych meds to a patient who was anxious/agitated/manic, and planned a hike next week with someone else while nudging patients along their medical paths, and then I’m unsure if I can give it up. I’m working one day a week for the next few months (mostly. I’m still taking off the Fridays here and there for the holidays). I’m working 60% at the patent office and 33.3% at the hospital, so that is pretty close to 1 full time job, but still less that 100% one job.