Vickey asked yesterday if I was feeling good going into this holiday season and I am! I have lots to do, but for the first time in a long time, I feel like I have time to do them and so I’m not completely stressed out. I had a leisurely, completely unrushed mid-week breakfast with a friend on Tuesday, I’m going to go to the opera this weekend, I’m almost done with Christmas shopping. Vince is coming home Friday night. All delicious things and I generally don’t feel like I’m running from one thing to the next. Thinking about the next thing I “have to do” while doing the thing before it. What a gift to myself. Jeremy and I fought yesterday in a very particular way in which he could watch me get completely enraged (which I rarely do – I was so mad I could have thrown something) and could understand without a doubt why I was mad and then we spent the afternoon dissipating the fight which should have put a damper on my good mood – and yet, I mostly still feel holiday cozy. This morning, to help me out and to make up for making me mad, I asked Jeremy to order two toilets (you know, for the holiday season) – I need to replace two in the house and frustratingly, of course, you can buy the $1100 one from Home Depot, but our favorite tried and true model (usually pre-pandemic $250 and a completely simple order) is out of stock. And so we spent at least 15-20 minutes looking at toilets on the Home Depot website. Jeremy looked at me while we were contemplating the difference between regular height, chair height and comfort height and whether the comfort height (ADA compliant) would not be compliant for Edda and said – I know you gave me a simple task to do to help you out, but I’m failing at it. I’m sorry. I laughed in both exasperation and affection – no toilets for me this Xmas. I’m going to limp along with replacement parts until the toilet supply chain stabilizes.