For so many so many years, I found putting up the Christmas tree a tedious task. So often, members of my family would want the tree up, but no one wanted to help me put it up. Actually, I’m not sure Jeremy’s feeling about the tree – he’s always happy that it’s up, but I think if I decided that it didn’t need to be up and didn’t do it, he wouldn’t care. Vince was always the most excited one, but he’d never want to put it up save a few branches or ornaments here and there and then move onto more exciting video games. Edda likes the lights for sure, but seemed OK either way. Last year, Alice was dying in hospice and I put up the tree in our house because we were having a big celebration of my mother’s birthday and I wanted it to be up for that dinner. One of the last big conversations I had with Alice was about Christmas trees – she insisted that I buy a prelit, relatively expensive one that takes only 10 minutes to put together. I resisted because I’m cheap that way. And sometimes, I like to suffer in my tedium, putting one branch on my Target tree at a time while the needles fall off the branches and cascade around me. Anyways, to have the final word on my stinginess, she gifted me expensive ornaments from the particular tree company she was enamored with which were delivered to me after her death.

They are absolutely ridiculous ornaments – all glass with feathers and birds. By far, the most expensive and elaborate ornaments I have. Each packed in styrofoam carved to match its shape exactly. One would think that I might look at putting up the tree differently this year, but I still kind of dreaded it and didn’t want to do it. But I did it earlier this week, kind of grumbling the entire time, but, of course, after I had put the whole thing together, there is a satiated happiness/sadness with the whole thing. But tilting more towards happiness this season. Who knows why? I don’t know. The tree is very pretty and has seen my family through many years of Christmas. The box says it was made in 2006, but I think we bought it on Christmas eve 2007. This year, to modernize it a bit, I attached it to a smart plug and put it on a schedule! So I never have to remember to turn it on/off. Sofie came over while I was trimming the tree and she said the exact same thing her mother had said a year ago – you need to buy the prelit easy-to-put-together tree, it takes only 10 minutes!

Baking continues: I made these sugar cookie bars for Sunday night dinner. I’m a sucker for compliments, everyone loved them. I told Colleen that I’m baking because I have time because I quit my job and she said – I’m so happy you quit your job, I love dessert! hahah.

I’m sorry that putting up the tree isn’t joyous for you. We put on holiday music and make tea and reminiscence over each ornament and it’s one of the joys of my year. I might steal the idea from you to put a smart plug on it, though. Maybe for the outside lights, too, because going outside every night before bed to turn them off is COLD!!