We are enjoying lazy days here in Los Angeles. Every day, the weather is beautiful – we leave the doors and windows open to the outside and we there is neither heating or cooling. At night we have a fan, but I feel so grateful to have such lovely weather. When we travel, Edda’s showers don’t happen every day because we don’t have our regular set up. It means her hair gets slick with natural oils and plaiting of her hair gets easier.

We have exploded into the space that Julia has given to us (which is mainly her garage apartment set back behind the main house). Our workstations basically have migrated from Maryland to the west coast intact. We both had full morning meetings. Mine started at 7 am. Jeremy’s started at 6 am. The initial idea was that Jeremy not work and I would work. But I think I’ll end up working less than Jeremy – he has deadlines this week and is working more that he’d like.

I took Elka for a long, hilly walk at midday. We stopped at this park to rest in the shade. The houses are expensively beautiful and Elka enjoyed exploring the area.

Jeremy and Edda met us at a local park (Edda walked to the park!). Then we walked back to Julia’s house and I lay down for a nap. About 30 minutes into the nap, I got a call from a stranger saying that they found Elka walking the neighborhood by herself (!) and they picked her up and wanted to return her to us. Jeremy had accidentally opened the gate (he was carrying the remote in his pocket and must have hit it without realizing it) and Elka decided to go for a walk and find a new family. With kids and a nice Mercedes with leather seats. Hahaha. A different life for you Elka – no doubt fabulous for sure, but you are ours, little one.

Oh, Elka! Why are you just wandering around like that. LOL. I’m glad you found her safe and sound.