Weekend update (late.)

Session 2 of camp ended and we said goodbye to Maya who is headed off to Disney for a semester long internship. Edda had a great time with Maya and Edda got very tan from going to the pool most days. Her freckles are really coming out to play in the summer.

Jeremy was supposed to be home Friday night (one-night trip to Boston), but the Friday flight kept getting delayed, delayed, delayed and then cancelled at 11pm on Friday. The airport was closed and all the nearby hotels were booked. But Jeremy eventually did find a place to sleep and spent all day Saturday routing through Charlotte and ending up at BWI at about 6 pm Saturday.

We are planning a very long trip, so this past weekend would have been the last weekend he was in town, so we had arranged many Saturday social things that involved Jeremy cooking many meals, but he wasn’t here and I was getting off kilter and a little flustered. But I went alone to our social engagements (we did have Edda care most of the day on Saturday and Sunday). On Saturday, I spent the bulk of the mid-afternoon seeing my friend Tom who had a stroke about 2 years ago and I haven’t been able to see since then. He’s lost a lot of left sided function, but he’s still sharp as a tack. I, of course, wanted to say hello, but I’m also trying to help him use computers to do the things he wants to do. This involved assessing his current capabilities and then trying to figure out how to make things work for him and a (what I thought would be a quick) trip to the Apple store. I’ve never bought anything in person at the Apple store (I went with Noah, Tom’s son) and it was the strangest purchasing experience in a long time. I couldn’t just pick it up off the shelf. I had to wait “in line” for a person, but I could see no clear line and I just hung out with the iPads. Anyways, the purchasing of an iPad was the easiest thing, the harder thing is to set it up with new email addresses, detangling conflicting Apple IDs, lost passwords, mistyped passwords, getting the iPad to talk to the iPhone, etc. etc. etc. None of that is very straightforward even though I know it’s suppose to be. But we managed to get a Google home working for music and to get him started on using Siri to make phone calls.

On Saturday night, we were supposed to host a BBQ for 10 and I was going to go ahead and do it, but I was already feeling exhausted from a few hours of Apple OS management, I wasn’t sure I was up for hosting and I missed Jeremy and really wanted him at the party. I had reduced it from cooking anything to just ordering take out, but at the moment I was going to put in the order, the power went out in the house and then I cried “uncle” and canceled the party and as it just happens, everyone was free on Sunday night and we held the party then and went to Carmen’s and the park afterwards and it was the most beautiful night ever.

2 thoughts on “Weekend update (late.)”

  1. The power going out would be a dealbreaker for me, for sure! There’s no way I’d have anyone in my house other than immediate family without electricity!

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