A quiet weekend because we were supposed to drive to Philly for Kiki’s birthday party, but it was cancelled because Kiki and Bob both got Covid (both are fine now). I know other people’s weekends are filled with holiday activities, but I’m quite content to stay at home. Jeremy got a weird stomach bug after his trip to Denver – he puked on Thursday and spent a lot of Friday lying down and watching youtube videos. Elka did her doggie duty and kept him company.

I finished another knitted hat which I’m pleased about. My mom decluttered her entire yarn stash to me so now I never have to buy yarn again for the rest of my life if I go at the rate I’m going.

Jeremy spent the entire weekend working. I know this sounds dreary, but he’s excited about something and fleshing it out and he was so excited he couldn’t sleep on Saturday night (weird, I know.) I happily spent the weekend doing laundry, running a few errands, going to the dog park, testing out running with my slightly not perfect ankle, practicing guitar, learning the brioche stitch in knitting and installing our new doorbell/camera thing-y.