Fire alarm & going viral.

On Wed night, before we left for Houston, we were awaken by our fire alarms firing randomly throughout the house. And they continued to misfire during our entire weekend away even though we were trying to troubleshoot before we left for vacation. Now that we have smart speakers in the house, we’d get a notification that a fire alarm was going off and they did go off every few hours. And then we’d check the cameras to make sure that the house wasn’t engulfed in flames. I think they are misfiring because (as the internet tells us) do go off when it’s very cold outside. But! Also! These fire alarms are from 2006! We’ve never replaced them! So we are in the process of replacing them all.

Also, Jeremy’s blog has gotten nice traction – including this nice write up on twitter. Jeremy spent the weekend watching the numbers on his blog go up and up and broke 1,000 while we were in Houston. Jeremy was *giddy*. One thousand view is as viral as these things go, so Jeremy is super famous in his field now :). So happy for him!

One thought on “Fire alarm & going viral.”

  1. I’ve sent the blog on to several people, and they’ve all really enjoyed reading it. Good job, Jeremy! Now about those 2006 fire alarms make it a priority to get new ones. Josh got all over us when he realized we had really old ones that also didn’t have carbon monoxide testers. It was like being lectured by your parent about not doing drugs!🤣

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