So, Edda, like most teenagers, has suffered from acne and it comes and goes with her monthly cycle as per normal. I don’t think much of it as I don’t think it bothers her too much and I know it will go away as she ages. I know that teenagers now generally take Accutane to clear their skin, but I didn’t want to (or it really didn’t occur to me) to put Edda on Accutane because 1) she didn’t seem to mind her pimples and 2) I hate giving her more medication. Everything you put into yourself is asking your kidneys and liver to filter out more stuff which is why I also dislike medications for myself and I also dislike supplements. If I decide that I want more vitamin C or more magnesium or calcium, I try to take it in food form. But I’m not against medication, I’ll take it if I need to. I take my antidepressants regularly. I’m anticipating taking high blood pressure medication in the future and I’ll take that when I need to (I measure my blood pressure every morning and I’m watching it slowly go up over the years as I creep into middle-agedom). I’m hoping to outrun it (literally), but I’m not sure how much longer I can be ahead of my genetics.
Anyways, I bring this up because I’ve had two medical professionals (neurologist and dentist) kind of gesture to her forehead and say – so what’s up with this? And I’m like what do you mean what’s up with this? It’s regular teenage acne and they look at me like I’m a crazy person. Like teenage acne shouldn’t exist anymore in the land of regular suburbia. I also want to say that if Edda was a typical teenager and was bothered by her teenage acne, I would not deny her access to Accutane – I would take her to the dermatologist and follow through with their recommendation. But I also would imagine that she wouldn’t be on two types on anticonvulsants and have trouble drinking enough water to help her kidneys process all that through her system.

Wait…most teens are on Accutane? That can’t be right. That medicine has tons of terrible long-term consequences. My husband debates a lot if he would have gone on it if he knew he’d still be dealing with its effects thirty years later.
ME TERRIFIED. Who knows what’s really in it.