A nice, quiet weekend. Some socializing today, but yesterday, a day of puttering around the house. I’ve been slowly working on our front entry which for 15 years has really just looked like a shipping warehouse, full of opened amazon boxes, piled mail bubble wrap and discarded shoes and turned it into a little plant sanctuary. The plants are mostly cuttings or gifts from people and I’ve found pretty pots here and there and I’m enjoying taking care of them (mostly). I’ve watched lots of plant-y youtube videos of people with 100s of plants in their house – that’s not me, but I’m having fun.

This weekend, I finished sewing up the little red curtain that I hung from our glove table that we made together in a woodworking class when we first started dating to hide an enormous blue recycling bin and white plastic trash can for all the incoming mail and trash that can fit there. You know how your house looks totally normal to you and then a friend who has never been there walks into the room and then you are a little like – yikes? That doesn’t look so great, that big pile of something-or-other? I’m not very self conscious about the house, there are people here all the time (almost everyday), I generally won’t “clean up” before company, but…still sometimes.

Jeremy worked his plywood skills and finished out the wood shelves for this wrought iron shelving and I’m hoping to paint it next weekend. I’m thinking a bold red for the iron and pale pink for the shelves. I invision plants of this shelf as well, but this will be well far away from windows, so it’ll need some grow lights installed which I’m a little bit hesitant about.

And finally, Jeremy spent the weekend moving TVs around. The TV in Edda’s bedroom was really small and very slow to load, so we got a new TV for Edda in the living room and then moved the living room TV up to Edda’s bedroom. This involved moving bookcases around and mounting hardware around. As we were moving the books around, we laughed and said who would have ever imagined that paper books wouldn’t be a thing anymore. These are mostly books from Jeremy’s college era.