We started the weekend with a spa night at Main Street. Ginny came and helped with dinner and a face mask (the spa type, not the virus type) while we wrapped up our work week. We eventually made our way there and helped with putting on stick-on-nails and other such things.
Edda is not a total fan of spa night.
Saturday was Jeremy’s 56th birthday and we celebrated in a low-key way. He went on a long bike ride, I went to the dog park and guitar lesson. Edda hung out with Eliana during the day and went out to lunch. I wore a mostly-blue outfit. I’m not sure I love this outfit, but the shoes, cufflinks (!) and tied neck scarf are the stars.
And I matched the glasses too! lol. I think this looks a bit too much like a flight attendant. But I wanted to use these cufflinks which are vintage from Jeremy’s maternal grandfather (?). I’ve had them tucked far in the back somewhere, but recently unearthed them and realized I had a thrifted shirt which needed cufflinks.
And in the evening, we went to celebrate Jeremy’s birthday by going to a new taco place in our town’s center and I’m trying to learn to use non single use utensils. I carry the foon (fork/spoon) and the collapsible cup in my purse and I try to remember to deploy them appropriately. (The red one is Edda’s). This photo is in front of Ben and Jerry’s where I Edda and I split a two-scoop cone. We ordered one cone with two scoops and then I slid the top scoop into the cup and Edda got that scoop and I got the other scoop/cone.
I kind of like this out-of-focus photo of Edda.
Jeremy shows his love for ice cream. Happy birthday sweetie, I hope you had a wonderful day and many, many more for you 🙂
I like that outfit. Very relaxed on Saturday afternoon, but powerful woman style and those cufflinks are so cool. The picture of Ed it really is kind of nice that light is beautiful.