Struggling tree.

Literally like 8 years ago, Ning and Brian planted this dogwood tree in the backyard. Immediately, the deer ate all the leaves. Then they tried to defend it by placing a “fence” around it – like metal stakes and plastic chicken wire and immediately they overpowered it. Every year, the poor tree struggled, but manage to keep living. Last year, I took down the fence and put a mesh bag over it. But because the mesh had 0.5 inch square, they managed to scoot the leaves through the little holes and eat all the leaves. Again, the tree lived. This year, I put a fine mesh over the entire tree and are we winning? I’m not sure. There are still leaves on the tree, but the baby deer are trying mightily to eat all the leaves and I can see the damage. I’m also not entirely sure the tree will, in the end, live – because there is damage in the trunk very close to the ground, so even if it was without deer, I’m not sure it is destined to have a long life. But I like that it’s trying, trying – every year.

It is my dream to put in a deer-proof fence. We’ll see. We also need it for Elka who wants nothing more than to lie outside in the sun.

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