On Saturday, I volunteered at Main Street at their Locust Grove hike. I brought Elka who was the star of the show. I think this was the least attended activity that I’ve been at, fewer than 5 people maybe? I think it was because it’s not on the Metro line, so folks signed up without a plan to get there. Oh well. It was a lovely day and I enjoyed the fall colors with our small, but mighty group.

I’d not been to the nature center before – they have collected cool things that you can touch.

That evening, I went with Kristen and her sisters to a witchy paddle where we are all supposed to dress up as witches and then “fly” on our paddleboards. I was rushing to leave the house, and I forgot my costume. So I was the very boring witch. Kristen and her sisters had on spooky makeup and even attached a light-up scaredy cat to their board.

Look at this gorgeousness.