OMG. I went to the track yesterday and ran quarters! Historically, this is my favorite workout because I like running as fast as I can for one lap, but alas, I’m much much slower now than in my heyday. To give you an idea, ten years ago (and ten pounds lighter), I could run a quarter in about 90 seconds, but yesterday, I was much closer to 2 minutes. But it’s OK, it felt great and it was nice to be back at the track – I don’t think I’ve run a real track workout in over 4 years. I also don’t know how to use my watch anymore to time anything. I used to just have a regular digital Timex, but I don’t have that anymore so I tried to use my Apple watch, which was both impressive and frustrating. My Apple watch knew I was at a track without me telling it, it also knew which lane I wanted to run in. But also, I couldn’t get it to give me a lap time for 400m. But I think it’s me and not the watch, lol. It also threatened to run out of batteries which was a little disconcerting. I haven’t been to the track (about 1.5 miles away) because I’ve been….lazy. I’ve been running intervals on my treadmill. I think the pandemic trained me to do all my running on my treadmill – I don’t know what happened, but, to me, an hour on the treadmill is not boring or a big deal to me.

Also, Jeremy’s ficus tree that he keeps in his office has spider mites. I’ve always known that houseplants can have pests, but this one took me by surprise. Jeremy’s office has only one plant in it, so I’m surprised that spider mites found it. Anyways, I moved it into a bathroom and I’m spraying it with a rubbing alcohol and soap mixture.

So many great posts! I’m amazed that you run. My old knees say NOPE!